- Cinephile
- Cinnabar
- Circle
- Circled
- Cited
- Citizen of the world
- Citizenship
- Citrine
- Citronella
- City chief
- City of indra
- City-dweller
- Civic centre
- Civil disobedience
- Civil war
- Clash of interests
- Class conscious
- Class-war
- Classic
- Classical
- Classical antiquity
- Classified
- Clatter
- Clause
- Claustrophobic
- Clavicle
- Cleverness
- Cliff
- Climbers
- Climbing plant
- Climbing stem
- Clinging
- Clinging steadfastedly on
- Clinical psychology
- Close with
- Close-knit
- Closeted
- Closing
- Closing the eyes
- Closure
- Clothes
- Clothesline
- Clothing
- Cloud nine
- Cmos
- Co-education
- Co-heir
- Co-opt
- Co-respondent
- Co-star
- Co-worker
- Coach
- Coach load
- Coagulate
- Coalgate
- Cockalarum
- Cockscomb
- Cocksure
- Cocktail
- Coco
- Coconut
- Cocopeat
- Coddle
- Code
- Cognoscente
- Cohabitation
- Cohesively
- Cohort
- Coil
- Coin
- Coin money
- Coiner
- Col
- Cold cuts
- Collective noun
- College
- Collegian
- Colliding
- Collision
- Collision course
- Collusiveness
- Collyrium
- Colocasia
- Comb
- Combative
- Combing
- Come
- Come across
- Come and go
- Come at
- Come to the surface
- Come together
- Come under
- Comely
- Comemorated
- Comet
- Comfort station
- Comical
- Comilona
- Commissary