- To remove
- To retrieve morality
- To revew
- To revive
- To revolt
- To roll up
- To set apart
- To set little by
- To set tongues wagging
- To settle
- To settle accounts
- To shine forth
- To ship off
- To show haste
- To slacken
- To string up
- To subdue
- To swallow
- To take
- To take care of
- To take exception
- To take measures
- To temper iron
- To test the water
- To walk
- To walk lightly
- To warn
- To way-lay
- To whip out
- To wink
- To wrap up
- To write
- To-do
- Toady
- Toaster
- Tobaccanalian
- Tomtom
- Tone-deaf
- Tone-in
- Toner
- Tonga
- tongue-in-cheek
- Tongue-lashing
- Tongue-tied
- Tonnage
- Tonsilitis
- Tonsils
- Too good to last
- Too good to miss
- Too much
- Toohless
- Took
- Tooter
- Tooth
- Toothbrush
- Toothless mouth
- Top
- Top content
- Top portion
- Top the list
- Top-dressing
- Top-heavy
- Torso
- Tort
- Tortoise
- Torturable
- Toskip over
- Toss-up
- Totemic
- Totemism
- Tournament
- Tournure
- Tousle
- Towards
- Towboat
- Tower of silence
- Town
- Town centre
- Town wards
- Town-planning
- Townsfolk
- Trade on
- Trade union
- Trade wind
- Trade-off
- Traditionalism
- Traditionally
- Trafficator
- Tragedy
- Tragically
- Transact
- Transcendency
- Transcendental
- Transdermal
- Transfer certificate
- Translucent
- Transmission
- Transmuter
- Transplendency
- Transportable