- Archangel
- Archduke
- Arched
- Archers
- Archetype
- Archie
- Arching
- Architect of gods
- Arid
- Arise
- Arisen
- Aristocracy
- Arithmetic
- Arithmetic progression
- Arithmetical progression
- Armada
- Armadillo
- Armature
- Armchair
- Armed
- Armed neutrality
- Armenius
- Armhole
- Armoire
- Armour
- Armour-plated
- Arrogant person
- Arrogantly
- Arrow-root plant
- Arrowhead
- Arrowroot
- Arsenal
- Arsonist
- Art of war
- Artefact
- Artful
- Article
- As common as much
- As common as muck
- As cool as a cucumber
- As far as
- As far as i know
- As far as one can tell
- As far as one is concerned
- As flat as a pancake
- As for
- As good as new
- As long as
- As many again
- Ascended
- Ascent
- Ascertain
- Ascetic
- Ascites
- Ascorbic acid
- Asepticism
- Ash melon
- Ash-coloured
- Ash-pit
- Ashamed
- Ashtray
- Asinine
- Assemblage
- Assembly
- Assertive
- Assertively
- Assertiveness
- Assiduity
- Assiduous
- Assiduously
- Assimilate
- Assisting
- Astro
- Astrobotany
- Astrolabe
- Astrological
- Astrology
- Astronomer
- Astronomical
- Astrophysics
- Asunder
- Aswamedha
- Asylum
- Asymmetry
- At a snails pace
- At peace
- At rest
- At school
- At the drop of a hat
- At the end of the tether
- At the full
- At the sea
- At the wicket
- Atomizer
- Atrium
- Atrocity
- Attache
- Attainability
- Attainable
- Attainment of manhood