- Amiableness
- Amicus curiae
- Amid
- Ammunition
- Amniocentesis
- Among
- Amorality
- Amusements
- An
- An abuse
- An agonist
- An arm and a leg
- An ascetic
- An ayurvedic treatment
- An edible snail
- An even chance
- An item in phyrotechnics
- An oil-press
- An old head on young shoulders
- Anatomist
- Anatomy
- Ancestor
- Ancestry
- Ancient story
- Ancillary
- And a half
- And that's flat
- And the like
- And then
- And things
- And what is more
- Andirons
- Androcentricity
- Andropause
- Anhydride
- Anima
- Animadvert
- Animal
- Animalcule
- Animals
- Animated
- Animator
- Animosity
- Aniseed
- Ankle
- Anklet with bells
- Annals
- Anonymous letter
- Anorexic
- Another key
- Answer back to
- Answer for
- Antechamber
- Antennae
- Antepenultimate
- Anxiety
- Anxious
- Anxiousness
- Any day
- Any small bird
- Anything
- Anything solid
- Anythink
- Apathetic
- Apercu
- Aphemia
- Apparatus
- Apparel
- Appealer
- Appealingly
- Appellant
- Appellation
- Appendicitis
- Appertain
- Appetise
- Appetite
- Apple of the eye
- Apprehend
- Apprehension
- Apprehensively
- Apprise
- Apprize
- Approachable
- Approbate
- Approbatory
- Approve
- Approving
- April
- Apriori
- Apriorism
- Apropos
- Apse
- Arboured
- Arcanum
- Arch
- Arch-work
- Archaeological
- Archaeology
- Archaic
- Archaism