- Caveman
- Cavil
- Cavity
- Caw
- Cdc
- Cedar
- Cedar tree
- Cede
- Cedent
- Ceiling fan
- Celebrated
- Celerations
- Celibate
- Cell
- Cell a spade a spade
- Cellular
- Celsius
- Cement
- Cementation
- Cenobite
- Cenosity
- Censorious
- Censorship
- Censuring
- Census
- Cent
- Centage
- Centenarian
- Centigrade
- Centigram
- Centilitre
- Centralism
- Centrally
- Centrally placed
- Centre of gravity
- Centre of mass
- Centrifugal force
- Centroid
- Ceramic
- Cerebellum
- Cerebral
- Ceremonial
- Ceremonies
- Ceremoniously
- Cerulean
- Cervix
- Cess
- Cfd
- Chaff
- Chain reaction
- Chair
- Chaise
- Chakyar woman
- Chalcolithic
- Chalice
- Challenger
- Chambal river
- Champ
- Champaka tree
- Champion
- Chanakya
- Chandala
- Chandlery
- Change gears
- Change of scenery
- Changeable
- Changed
- Changes
- Changing hands
- Channelize
- Chanticleer
- Chap
- Chap book
- Chap labour
- Chapman
- Chapter and verse
- Chapterhouse
- Char
- Character sketch
- Charade
- Charcoal
- Charge
- Charges
- Chariot wheel
- Charitably
- Charity
- Charm
- Charmingly
- Charnel house
- Chart
- Chasm
- Chaste woman
- Chasten
- Chastity
- Chattel
- Chatter
- Chatter box
- Cheap and nasty
- Cheap jack
- Cheat