- Chromatic
- Chromatically
- Chromite
- Chromo sphere
- Chronic bachelor
- Chronicled
- Chronis
- Chronometer
- Ciborium
- Cicatrice
- Cigar
- Cigarette
- Cilia
- Cinder
- Cinnamomum osmophloeum
- Cinnamon leaf
- Cinnamon tree
- Cipher
- Circa
- Circadian rhythm
- Citric acid
- Citronella oil
- City state
- Ciu
- Civet
- Civil case
- Civil engineer
- Civil rights
- Civil service
- Clarion call
- Clarity
- Clash
- Clashing
- Class distinction
- Classicism
- Classroom
- Claustrophobia
- Claviger
- Claw
- Clearly
- Clears
- Cleaver
- Cleft footed
- Clench
- Clenching the fist
- Cleopatra ramases akhnaton tuthankhaman
- Clepsyddra
- Clevage
- Clever person
- Clipper
- Cloaca
- Cloak
- Cloistral
- Close fisted man
- Cloudily
- Cloudiness
- Cloudscape
- Clowder
- Clown
- Cloying
- Clump
- Cluster of lotus blossoms
- Cm
- Cock-a-hoop
- Cock-crest
- Cockatoo
- Cockerel
- Cockernony
- Cockle
- Cocky
- Cocoa
- Coconut leaves
- Coconut oil
- Coconut palm
- Coconut toddy
- Cod
- Coddiwomple
- Coherence
- Coherent
- Coherently
- Cohesion
- Coiffure
- Coinage
- Coincide
- Coincidence
- Coincidental
- Coir fibre
- Coital
- Coitus
- Colander
- Cold
- Cold comfort
- Collectible
- Collecting
- Collection of a part of produce as tax
- Collective
- Collectivize
- Collegial
- Collide
- Collie