- Canine tooth
- Cannabis sativa
- Cannikin
- Cannon
- Cannonade
- Cannonball
- Cannot be blamed
- Cannot resist
- Canoe
- Canon law
- Canonist
- Canopied pandal
- Cantillate
- Cantonment
- Canvas
- Cap-a-pie
- Capacity crowd
- Caper
- Capital
- Capital expenditure
- Capital idea
- Capon
- Capriccioso
- Capriole
- Capstone
- Capsular
- Capsule
- Captagon
- Captivate
- Captivating
- Captive
- Captivity
- Captor
- Captured
- Capuchin
- Carabao
- Carabiniere
- Caracole
- Cardiomyopathy
- Care about
- Care of
- Careen
- Career woman
- Carefrontation
- Careful
- Caretaker
- Carfax
- Caricature
- Carnatic music
- Carnation
- Carnivore
- Carry forward
- Carry over
- Carry the day
- Cart off
- Cart-man
- Cartoonist
- Cartwheel
- Carved
- Caster
- Castes
- Castigation, castigator
- Casting
- Casting vote
- Castle in the air
- Castor oil
- Castration
- Casual leave
- Casualness
- Catch napping
- Catchment area
- Catechist
- Categorically
- Cater
- Catering
- Caterpillar
- Catharsis
- Cathartic
- Catherine-wheel
- Catheter
- Cathode
- Cathode-rays
- Catholicism
- Causing to
- Cautery
- Cavalry
- Cave temple
- Caveat emptor
- Cavernous
- Caviar
- Cellulose
- Cemetery
- Cense
- Censer
- Censured
- Centenario
- Centerpiece
- Centesimal
- Central conic
- Central travancore