- Claimed
- Clairaudience
- Clam up
- Clammy
- Clamor
- Clamour
- Clamp down on
- Clap of thunder
- Clay
- Clean down
- Clean from
- Clean hands
- Clean-handed
- Clean-shaven
- Cleanliness
- Cleanness
- Cleverness
- Cliff
- Climbers
- Climbing plant
- Climbing stem
- Clinging
- Clinging steadfastedly on
- Clinical psychology
- Clouds
- Clove
- Cloven
- Clownish
- Cloze test
- Club
- Cluck
- Clueless
- Clumsily
- Clumsy
- Clunker
- Clutter
- Coals
- Coals to new castle
- Coast
- Coat of arms
- Coated
- Coattails effect
- Cobalt bomb
- Cobble
- Cobbler
- Cobol
- Cobra
- Cocaine
- Cock
- Cognoscente
- Cohabitation
- Cohesively
- Cohort
- Coil
- Coin
- Coin money
- Coiner
- Col
- Cold cuts
- Collective noun
- College
- Collegian
- Colliding
- Collision
- Collision course
- Collusiveness
- Collyrium
- Colocasia
- Comb
- Combative
- Combing
- Come
- Come across
- Come and go
- Come at
- Come to the surface
- Come together
- Come under
- Comely
- Comemorated
- Comet
- Comfort station
- Comical
- Comilona
- Common sense
- Communalism
- Communicable
- Communication
- Communication satellite
- Comorbid
- Compiling
- Complacence
- Complete eradication
- Complete figure
- Completed
- Completeness
- Completion
- Complex
- Complexion
- Complexity