- Clannish
- Clapping
- Claque
- Claw-hammer
- Clawback
- Clax of brass
- Clay cart
- Clayey
- Clean-shaved head
- Cleanly
- Cleanser
- Cleansing
- Clear a debt
- Clear ones throat
- Clear statement
- Clearance
- Clearing house
- Cleave
- Clef
- Cleft palate
- Clematis
- Clerical
- Clerk
- Clever fellow
- Clever man
- Cleverish
- Cleverly
- Clinker
- Clinquant
- Clipboard
- Clique
- Cliquish
- Clitic
- clitoridectomy
- Clitoris
- Clock
- Clockwise
- Clog
- Clogging
- Clone
- Clonk
- Close
- Close in
- Cloudburst
- Cloudy
- Cloudy sky
- Clough
- Cloy
- Clue
- Clumpy
- Clunk
- Cluster of lotus flower
- Cluster of desoms
- Clutch
- Clutter up
- Clyster
- Coalmine
- Coarse sand
- Coarsen
- Coarseness
- Coast of coromandal
- Coastal
- Coaster
- Coastline
- Cobbler-smith
- Coca cola
- Coccinia grandis
- Coccyx
- Cochin
- Cock crow
- Codeine
- Coercive
- Coeval
- Coexistence
- Coffee
- Coffee house
- Cog
- Cognition
- Cognitive
- Cognizance
- Cognizant
- Cold shoulder
- Cold sore
- Coldly
- Coldness
- Colic
- Collaborator
- Collagen
- Collateral
- Collect
- Collectable
- Collection
- Collective bargaining
- Collectivism
- Collector
- Collectorate
- Collegiate
- Collier
- Collimate
- Collogue